Sunday, May 27, 2007

We have all been doing well. Sarah and I had a great time on her school field trip to the zoo and Coleman went to the children's museum in Indy both field trips were on Friday. Miranda has been well. Vince and I both have the next three days off work. I'm so happy we usually only get Sundays. I hope every one has a safe and wonderful Memorial Day.

Memorial Day
- C W Johnson
We walked among the crosses
Where our fallen soldiers lay.
And listened to the bugle
As TAPS began to play.
The Chaplin led a prayer
We stood with heads bowed low.
And I thought of fallen comrades
I had known so long ago.
They came from every city
Across this fertile land.
That we might live in freedom.
They lie here 'neath the sand.
I felt a little guilty
My sacrifice was small.
I only lost a little time
But these men lost their all.
Now the services are over
For this Memorial Day.
To the names upon these crosses
I just want to say,
Thanks for what you've given
No one could ask for more.
May you rest with
God in heaven
From now through evermore.

Monday, May 14, 2007

I've been tagged

A: Attached or single? I've been happily married for 9 and a half years.
B: Best friend? I don't think I could pick just one.
C: Cake or pie? Definitely pie. My favorite is cream pies.
D: Drink of choice? I would have to say In the morning french vanilla coffee and in the afternoon mountain dew .
E: Essential item? I would have to say ponytail holders.
F: Favorite color? I have never really picked a favorite.
G: Gummi bears or worms? I would pick gummy bears. I like the white ones best.
H: Hometown? Fort Wayne, IN
I: Indulgence? I always eat to much pizza.
J: January or February? I would pick February but I must admit it was easy for me because my birthday is in February.
K: Kids? I have three wonderful kids. Coleman,9, Sarah, 7 and Miranda,3
L: Life is incomplete without? My live would be meaningless without my family.
M: Marriage date? We were married on 08-02-1997
N: Number of siblings? I have five sister's. Tera, Brandee, Lois, Jessica, and Melissa.
O: Oranges or apples? I would pick oranges. I like to peel them. A weird quirk.
P: Phobias/fears: Spiders, something happening to my loved ones.
Q: Favorite quote? "It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all."
R: Reasons to smile? There are so many reasons to smile. I couldn't possibly name them all.
S: Season? I love the beginning of Fall and the beginning of Spring.
T: Tag three? I will tag Vince, my mom Kay, Melissa.
U: Unknown fact about me? Sometimes I use the kid's shampoo. I like the smell.
V: Vegetarian or not? I would have to say not.
W: Worst habit? Smoking I'm having a very hard time stopping this bad habit.
X: X-rays or ultrasounds? I don't mind either of them.
Y: Your favorite foods? I love Italian and Chinese.
Z: Zodiac? Aquarius I think I don't really know.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's day

Happy Mother's Day

Friday, May 11, 2007

I thought this was pretty picture. When I ran across it I thought I would share it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Just an update

Things are going okay around here. Coleman has 4 field trips coming up this month. He get to go to the Dairy Farm, downtown Columbia City to meet the Mayer, to meet his pen pals from a Fort Wayne school, and to the Children's museum in Indy. Sarah has Grandparents day on Friday, A trip to the Zoo on the 25th, and her class program on the 29th. Miranda has just been enjoying the warm weather and getting as dirty as she can. Vince has been working a lot but other than that he has been doing well. I have been not feeling well and might see the doctor today. I'm afraid my sinus's are turning into an infection.
I called the kid's doctors yesterday to refill a couple scripts and set up a recheck for Sarah. Upon setting the appointment. They said with Doctor Dick. I said " no doctor Dillon is her doctor". Much to my surprise her answer was he is no longer with our practice. I didn't receive a letter. Maybe it was lost in the mail or one of my neighbors has it. I guess he left about two weeks ago. So I had his old office do my refills and set Sarah's appt. at his new office. I then signed three releases for there medical records to be transferred over to his new office. This made for a bad start on a Monday morning. I hate to lose their nurse at his old office. I told her she needs to move with Dr. Dillon. She just laughed. On a brighter note it's Tuesday Monday is over.
Have a great day everyone.