It has been a boring week around here nothing to exciting. I was a bit emotional as it was my time of the month. I always have a hard time at work during my time. I work with someone to say nicely she is very mean. I have had a lot of problems with this girl and it's not just me. Before I moved desk I had to sit by her. Now I sit by my boss which is much better. She would spray my stuff with hospital spray disinfectant which is a horrible smell I think. I noticed she would only do that when she would be mad at me. Which was most of the time. She would leave a row of files if I went down it. It got so bad that I noticed that if I sat down at my desk she would get up and leave her desk and not come back. I don't sit a lot at my desk very often but after I noticed she was doing that I would try to leave my desk and when I saw her go back to her desk I would go back to mine. Yes, that was stooping to her level but that day I couldn't take anymore and had to do something to make myself feel better about the situation. Then she would get pissed and throw her stuff around like I couldn't come and go to my desk as I please. We have a lady Stacy who started about two months ago and she has problems with the same girl. A lot of people have problems with her. Stacy has went to break and come back with her area smelling like disinfectant spray. When she took a drink of her pop it tasted like disinfectant. Her excuse was that we all smell like cigarettes. But I have been smelling like that for over five years. Last week when Stacy came back from lunch the girl was mad at her and sprayed her with disinfectant and it got in her face. We have had more people quit over this girl. My boss moved me in with her after I told her if things didn't change I was going to transfer out of the department or quit. I use to let this girl bring me down. She goes out of her way to be mean. How do people act like that keep their jobs. At times I wish I was younger and didn't have so much on the line because I just want to knock her block off. Well fortunately for her I'm past the kid games and in the real world. I find it hard to pray for her but know in my heart that God will make it better so I do. My boss is off work most of next week and the following week. I have the most trouble with her when my boss is gone. My stomach churns when I think about working that week and what it might in tale. I'm more worried about Stacy she is going through a lot in her personal live and the girl seems to have it out for her right now. I have already talked to Stacy and let her know that she has any problems to let me or our office manager know. I think our office manager needs to know about this girl anyway. Wow I wasn't expecting to go into all of that. I'm done ranting and raving.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
What a fun weekend.
We all had a wonderful time this weekend at Zach, Josh, and Tyson's birthday celebration. Below is a picture of some of the pools they set up for the kids to play. I must say Miranda went through five different out fits by getting them wet. that's not including the times she was streaking through the party. The kids below are involved in a water balloon fight. They had a blast doing the water balloons. The balloons didn't last long. We filled more but before we could finish they four buckets we filled were gone. It was nice seeing everyone and getting to visit with them.
Below is a picture of a game were the kids had to pop the balloons to get the candy in them. It was funny watching some of them trying to pop their balloons. Miranda hadn't taken a nap and was still going until we were on are way home at 9:45pm.
The kids were all happy when they started the fire. Zach and his friend started the fire. I must say I was very impressed by how respectful his friends are. Most teens I run into are very rude and disrespectful anymore. My picture of the cakes that my sister Brandee made didn't turn out. But the cakes were awesome. She has such a wonderful talent.
Below is a picture of the kids indulging in the yummy smores. We left shortly after the smores. I was so tired when I hit the bed. I enjoyed the day so much. Sarah enjoyed it so much that she spent the night there.
Sunday I went to pick Sarah up. I ended up calling Vince and the other kids over to Jennifer's and they fed us again. We played bad mitten and rode the four wheelers. Then Coleman And Sarah spent the night. I think Jen is wanting punishment. ha! ha!
Well I hope everyone else had a great weekend.
Posted by Mandy at 5:20 AM 2 comments
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Having fun at Turtle Days.
We had so much fun today. I heard that Turtle Days where going on in Busco through the radio station wmee's morning show. When I look it up on their web page I found out about Kids Fun day. At that point I talked to a coworker who lives in Churubusco about which park the kids games were at. She laughed and said there is only one. It started a 9AM. and ended at 11:30 AM. We were there the whole time. I was sooo hot. I'm not sure about the actual temp. but, I do know it was suppose to get up to 91 degrees today.
It was like a big school carnival. In the picture above Sarah is painting her pet rock. I think Miranda loved this station the most. I didn't get a picture of her because she took my undivided attention at this station. I will tell you her pet rock was still wet when we went back for it about 15 minutes later. She asked to sleep with it tonight. I thought that was funny.
I had a lot of trouble with Miranda towards the end of morning at Turtle Days. She was hot and very tired. It had been a big day. Miranda had a peanut hunt at the same time Sarah was in a hula contest so I missed getting a picture of her doing that. Coleman did a good job at a game where you use a water gun to shoot loose two liter caps off the two liters. I missed getting that picture because Miranda got excited about balloon animals. Speaking of the balloons didn't make it home they popped before we left. It's this August grass in June. Coleman and Miranda participated in the watermelon eating contest. All three of them did sack races. Miranda made her own race in between the older kids turns. They all three play numerous games. Sarah hit the target all three times in the bean bag toss. So did Miranda but she didn't get the idea of standing behind the lines. she kept walking up at arms length the throwing them.
I had to blog on this picture. None of the my kids are in this picture I just thought it was interesting that the softball girls beat the Boy scouts. There were a few less boys. It look likes a lot less but they were just pulled onto one another. We went to the parade this evening. Within a couple of minutes of getting out of the van we ran into a friend. Sarah and her daughter are best friends. Her son and Coleman are good friends. The girls and the boys are in the same class at school at least they were. It was nice sitting with friends it made the sun beating down on me for the second time today a little more bearable. I was ready for it to be over. We were at the end of the parade route. The kids still liked it. I didn't take Miranda to the parade. I felt bad but I told her if she didn't take a nap she couldn't go. she wouldn't lay down and take a nap. She ended up falling asleep around 5PM. We left about ten minutes after that. I wish she would have napped earlier. Unfortunately she slept until I got home. So she is still up it's a little after 11pm. I better get off her and make sure she falls asleep soon or she will be to tired tomorrow.
I Wish every father out there a.....
Posted by Mandy at 10:15 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 14, 2007
How cute
Makes you feel like a cat nap.
Friends are great to have.
They are just so cute.
This one is for you Jen. I figure this looks like the kittens your trying to give away. Maybe if people knew they could pray it would help you chances of getting rid of some.
Have a great day everyone!
Posted by Mandy at 4:39 AM 1 comments
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Well school is officially out. Coleman and Sarah's last day was Tuesday. They both received certificates. Sarah received one for citizenship and Coleman received one for citizenship and outstanding attendance. I was so proud of both of them. I'm still waiting on their report cards. They will be coming in the mail. Coleman told me he didn't make the all A honor roll this time because of his social studies grade. All the kids have enjoyed summer so far.
A long time ago about three years ago I decided to make meatloaf with what we had around the house. Well in the kitchen any way. I had never made meatloaf before that. I had dill pickle relish and thought it would taste good. I know I like it on cheeseburgers so why not. Mistake, while it was cooking the whole house filled with pickle smell. The meatloaf also tasted like pickle. Needless to say it was not a good idea. I was afraid to try and make meatloaf after that. I finally tried it again. Everyone liked it and there were no pickles in it this time.
I changed my background again because I thought the Sherck one took to long to open. Does anyone have a problem with the new one?
Posted by Mandy at 6:48 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 1, 2007
Joining hands to fight cancer
Coleman and Sarah are close to the end of school. They get out June 5th. Today the had their Relay For Life day. Their school spend about two months raising money for the Relay For Life Foundation. They have fundraisers and bring in your loose change. The balloons in the picture above can be bought in memory of or honor of someone the kids new who had cancer. They released the balloons at the end of the day. The school makes a track to walk on and from the start of the day to the end of the day a least one of the classes where walking the field all day. They also make t-shirts in the past they have been tie died. This year they did hand prints around the saying joining hands to fight cancer.
The rest of the day is spent playing games and having fun. I volunteered in the morning with Sarah's class and in the afternoon with Coleman's class. In Sarah's class there is a girl named Brittney who was diagnosed with cancer at the age of two. She had to go through chemotherapy at two. Because she was so young most of her hair will never grow in. Brittney also lives in our park. It was a hot day to be outside all day. I did get a bit sun burnt. They started raising money for Relay For Life at the beginning of May. The school set goals for the children. I believe that the kids really wanted to see their principal kiss a pig. The students met every goal. The principal Mr. Roth and a teacher Mr. Toll had to kiss a pig. Mr. Roth also had to shave his head. Another teacher Mrs. Duncan had 8 pies to the face.
Sarah's school program was last Tuesday. I love going to those kind of things. See the picture of the week. The quoted a poem "My Elephant Thinks I'm Wonderful". I think that was my favorite part.
Posted by Mandy at 10:33 PM 1 comments