I have been trying to use blogger's new video but every time it comes up with an error and tells me contact blogger. So I followed the link this time and it got me know where just more stuff to read. The error has a code and says to report this to blogger. So I copied the code. Maybe my connection is to slow. Who knows. Has any one else tried it yet?
Last Sunday we went to my Mom's to visit. My Mom had an extra memory card for her camera and let me borrow the one she wasn't using until I get my own. Thanks Mom. That is how I was able to get so many pictures. I love it. My step-Dad John was out riding his bike when we first showed up at their house. I was next door when he came home. I wish I could have been able to take a picture of him on his bike. I guess that is for another day. I received a call on Tuesday from my sister Missy stating that she just got her learners permit. Another reason I'm glad to live out of county. Ha!Ha! She was so excited. I was glad to hear that she almost aced the test.
Everyone in our house except Coleman is having major sinus and allergy problems. Vince has been running fevers on and off the last two days. Miranda has already been to the doctors. I have another appt. for her and Sarah in a couple of weeks. If they can make it that long. I found out the few samples of the Donatussin DM is not even being prescribed yet. So together with the pharmacist we found something close. Sarah has the sinus drainage like me mostly down the throat. Her neck is swollen in a couple of spots. At least with mine it's only the one side but the one side is swollen so badly that that whole side of my neck hurts. Alright enough about miserable stuff.
Things at work have been going better. The girl I had been having problems with is much better. I tried the kill them with kindness routine. My Mom would tell me to do that all the time growing up. Go figure parents really do know something every now and then. I found out earlier this week that a certain department in our office received bonuses when I was on vacation. The cashiers received bonuses for collecting so much money in the last quarter. Needless to say I was very upset. I'm sure the cashiers are the reason we brought money in that month. It couldn't have been the Doctors or nurses. I'm sure the file fairy got all those charts ready so the Doctor had what he needed to see the PAYING patient. I guess I'm Lucky that my supervisor is still working. When she found out about this she almost walked out. My supervisor is on salary. She puts in at the least 10 hours overtime usually around 20 hours a week. When we had to move medical records to the new location in our building she worked between 30 and 40 hours over time. She didn't receive anything. At least my check had over time on it. Oh well what can you do.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Sinuses and bonuses
Posted by Mandy at 5:29 AM 2 comments
Saturday, August 25, 2007
The kids have been back to school for a week and a half now. They are still eager to get to school in the morning. They both have been doing well. I had a note come home this week on Sarah, stating that they want to test her speech. They think she is behind. I can't say I have ever noticed any problem with her speech. Have any of you? I know Coleman has trouble and he is still in speech. Maybe I don't notice because of Coleman's speech problems. I am very curious to find out the results.
Miranda has another cold. I took her to the doctors on Thursday. He did give me samples of Donatussin DM Rx. It seems to be helping a lot. They only gave me two days worth. I think I will call on Monday and have them call in a prescription for her. She goes back in a month and if she is still fighting this cold or has a new one he will prescribe an antibiotic at that time.
Posted by Mandy at 3:37 PM 2 comments
Sunday, August 19, 2007
What a beutiful wedding
My sister Jessica is now a married woman. These are a few of the photo's I took at the wedding. Vince and the kids stayed home. I have more pictures on flicker. Lance and Jessica's first dance as husband and wife. They are so awesome together. In the picture of the week it shows Lance's daughter Katelyn. Jessica's new daughter and my new niece. She is such a sweetie.
The picture above is of Tera my sister and myself. Tera's dress was cranberry because she was the Madrid of honor. I think we had ten minutes before the wedding started.
Lance and Jessica cutting their wedding cake. When they fed it to each other you could hear both of them saying be nice be nice. Of course the men of the wedding party were yelling "do it Lance". So of course he did. They both smeared a little on each others faces. Those pictures were fuzzy.
This picture is of My sister Tera and her daughter Alyx. They were having so much fun Dancing the night away. The later in the night it got the less pictures I was able to keep because I had more beer and holding the camera still was even harder.
Posted by Mandy at 8:13 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I'm back
We have a new kitten. The kids have named her Cheetah. I came home from work on Monday and to my surprise there was a new kitten in my house. Vince had stopped on his way home from work at a farm and picked her up. Sarah kitty is still being skittish. She is staying in my room for the most part.
I had last week off of work it went by so quickly. It was Monday again before I new it. It took my until yesterday to get caught up at work. My sister Jesse is getting married this Saturday. I'm a bridesmaid in her wedding. Vince has to work so Jennifer is going to watch the kids for us. Again Thank You Jen. I will try to get lots of pictures. I had a lot more pictures I took but none of them turned out. That's when I realized that I had my camera set to one image for a picture instead of back ground. Bummer. I hope everyone has a great day.
Posted by Mandy at 3:58 AM 1 comments
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Catching up
We had a great anniversary. Thanks to everyone for wishing us a happy anniversary. Vince was so romantic. He sent the bouquet above to my work. It has ten white roses and misty blue as an ascent.
The card read "The roses are for the first ten years. The misty blue is for all the wonderful years to come. Your loving husband, Vince". How sweet was that. I felt so spoiled. I gave him a pair of sleep pants, RollerCoasterTycoon2 for PC, and Enter the Matrix for PC. He seems to really like RollerCoaster Tycoon. He has been playing it a lot.
The picture above is of me and some of the girls I work with. Katie, Brandie, Stacy, and me. Yesterday was Katie's last day. She was only helping us over the summer. It's back to Ball State for her. The girls above I get along with really well.
The picture above is of my burn. I burnt myself last Saturday. I was cooking roast. I pulled the roast out of the oven. When I took off the lid the back part of the lid hit my arm. I looks a lot better in this picture. Earlier this week it had signs of infection. I treated it and know it looks a lot better.
Posted by Mandy at 8:50 AM 4 comments
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Happy Anniversary
Your anniversary marks the day
Now time has passed;
By Joanna Fuchs
Posted by Mandy at 6:11 AM 8 comments