Wednesday, March 14, 2007

March, 14, 2007

The kids had science Central come to their school. It was a lot of fun. They set up stations all around the gym. They do this once a year. We have been busy with their school lately. We had the science central night, science fair projects, and movie night for the family at school. For their science projects they worked together on one. They tested people's since of smell. They would have people close their eyes. Then they would hold garlic powder by their noses and ask people to tell them when they thought they moved the garlic. They timed people and on average it was a little over 8 seconds. Sarah went on a field trip last week with her class to the 4-H fair grounds. They we able to see lots of animals. Coleman's class has swimming at the YMCA every Tues. through the end of this month.


Jen said...

It's a miracle. You blogged! LOL. I was seriously starting to wonder if you'd just given up on it. So glad you're back.

Sounds like the kids are having a great time. When I first glanced at the pic of Cole and Sara I had to double take, I thought for a second that was a picture of Josh. It's amazing how similar those two look.

Lisanne said...

Oh, that's such a cute photo of the two of them! They look so grown up! Science fairs are fun. :) Jen's right ... Cole looks somewhat like Josh!

Brandee said...

Cute. I had a little trouble reading your post. It was hard to see the pink against the green of the background. Could just be me though.

Mandy said...

When I was writing the post I wanted to use yellow but I couldn't see what I was writing so I switched to a different color. When I was done I forgot to change it back to yellow before I hit post. I had trouble reading it too.

sara said...

Sounds like the kids are having fun! To answer your question from the other day, we go to Vineyard Church- it's located on 27 South about a mile past the new Wal-Mart and Menards. If you all don't have anything to do come on out- the service starts at 11:00 of course on Easter Sunday they are having a brunch at 10:00.
I have to laugh, it seems as though you, Brandee, and me have all been a little too busy to post :) Now I don't feel so bad! Jen is just an overacheiver!!!