Sunday, May 27, 2007

We have all been doing well. Sarah and I had a great time on her school field trip to the zoo and Coleman went to the children's museum in Indy both field trips were on Friday. Miranda has been well. Vince and I both have the next three days off work. I'm so happy we usually only get Sundays. I hope every one has a safe and wonderful Memorial Day.

Memorial Day
- C W Johnson
We walked among the crosses
Where our fallen soldiers lay.
And listened to the bugle
As TAPS began to play.
The Chaplin led a prayer
We stood with heads bowed low.
And I thought of fallen comrades
I had known so long ago.
They came from every city
Across this fertile land.
That we might live in freedom.
They lie here 'neath the sand.
I felt a little guilty
My sacrifice was small.
I only lost a little time
But these men lost their all.
Now the services are over
For this Memorial Day.
To the names upon these crosses
I just want to say,
Thanks for what you've given
No one could ask for more.
May you rest with
God in heaven
From now through evermore.


Lisanne said...

That's a beautiful blog entry, Mandy. I am *so* glad that you guys are getting *so* many days off work! Yeah! :) Enjoy your weekend. I bet that you can't wait to watch the race today! I'm going downstairs to get some lunch in a minute and will turn it on.

Jen said...

It was great seeing you guys the other day. I thought it went pretty well considering. Love the new blog look. Great Job!