I took this last weekend when we were visiting with grandma Lois. The kids had so much fun.
I was on my way to get the kids after work on Friday when I looked over and seen the strange motorcycle. I call it a motorcycle with training wheels. It makes you wonder where people come up with these crazy ideas.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Dancing and traing wheels
Posted by Mandy at 7:17 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Just a thought or two
Some Vague Thoughts
If you want the world to beat a path to your door,
just try to take a nap on a Saturday afternoon.
Measure wealth not by the things you have, but by
the things you have for which you would not take money.
When your dreams turn to dust, it's time to vacuum.
Is your holier side your altar ego?
I need someone to refresh my memory. How many cars are
allowed through an intersection after the light turns red? Is it three or five?
What's dumber, expecting educators to be entertaining,
or expecting entertainment to be educational?
Vanity Plates seen on a Mercedes Benz in California - WAS HIS
Wealthy people miss one of life's greatest thrills - Making the last car payment.
The trouble with Sunday drivers is, they don't drive any better during the week.
If you can't keep a secret, you don't need to know it.
Quote from the boss: "I didn't say it was your fault. I said
I was going to blame it on you."
- The e-mail of the species is deadlier than the mail.
- A journey of a thousand sites begins with a single click.
- You can't teach a new mouse old clicks.
- Great groups from little icons grow.
- Speak softly and carry a cellular phone.
- C:\ is the root of all directories.
- Don't put all your hypes in one home page.
- Pentium wise; pen and paper foolish.
- The modem is the message.
- Too many clicks spoil the browse.
- The geek shall inherit the earth.
- A chat has nine lives.
- Don't byte off more than you can view.
- Fax is stranger than fiction.
- What boots up must come down.
- Windows will never cease.
- In Gates we trust (and our tender is legal).
- Virtual reality is its own reward.
- Modulation in all things.
- A user and his leisure time are soon parted.
- Know what to expect before you connect.
- Oh, what a tangled website we weave when first we practice.
- Speed thrills.
- Give a man (or for that matter anyone) a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to use The Net and he won't bother you for weeks.
Posted by Mandy at 4:50 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Visiting Grandpa and Grandma Smith's House
Today we had a good time visiting with my parents and Missy's boyfriend Kevin and his family. Kevin had a birthday on Oct. 3rd. So we celebrated Sarah and Kevin's birthday together today. His family is such a joy to be around and I always love seeing my parents. Sarah asked for chocolate cake with chocolate icing and of course grandpa and grandma gave her what she wanted. Kevin's cake was white with chocolate chips baked in it and chocolate icing. They also had fudge swirl ice cream. Of course that all sounds good except my mom maid chop suey for lunch and that is one of my favorite family recipes. It is really more like chow main but we grew up calling it chop suey. I ate to much of lunch to have any room left for dessert. You can see the rest of the pictures on flickr.
My mom bought Sarah a scrap booking party kit. She couldn't wait to open it. We worked on a couple books this evening. Well I did the cover of the one she let me do. She loves cutting and pasting. Writing notes is another one of her favorites. I only had a few pictures for her but she mostly wrote things and used special stickers. I love seeing the kids art work. Sarah is very creative. She just told me last week that her favorite special was art. In school they call gym, library, music, and art specials. They have one of those every day of the week alternating. Her scrap book is funny looking it has long pieces of zig zag paper hang out off the pages. When she is done I will take pictures. After church my parents were going to stop at the store before going home so Missy gave me her key and Kevin's parents were going to follow me to their house. Well that didn't go the way I had planned. For starters I turned the wrong way out of the church. Then turned on Paulding the wrong way. So, I we ended up in New Haven. A little after that when I thought I turned on Pettit. I was wrong. Towards the end of the road I realized that nothing looked familiar. So I looked at the next street sign what did it say but Oxford. Great I took them on a tour of the worst parts of Fort Wayne. During all this I stressed myself out because I felt so bad about the twice as long drive as it should have been. I ended up with spots in my eyes and a headache which made it even harder to drive. I also realized I left the diaper bag at church. I figured my mom could get that on wednesday night and I could get it from her next weekend. When I mentioned this to my mom she said she had a key to the church and we could get it later. When we went to get it I saw the car below and told her I should of got my camera out. I wish I had a picture of that. After retrieving the bag on our way home we saw the candy car again. I asked mom if she would follow it so I could get a picture. She did so, I was able to take a couple pictures. Thanks Mom.
Posted by Mandy at 9:51 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 11, 2007
What fall should look like
My Grandmother Emailed me these pictures and I though I would share them since are fall was so drab. I hope you enjoy.
Posted by Mandy at 3:31 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Happy Birthday Sarah
Sarah turns eight on 10-08-07. It's her golden birthday this year. She wanted to get her ears pierced this year for her birthday. I took her yesterday and them done. I wanted to go on a day they had two workers in that way they could do both ears at once. She did so good. I could tell she was in a lot of pain. She stayed beside me through the rest of the our shopping. She also recieved four birthday cards yesterday. She was so excited she carried them around the rest of the night. I have pictures of her new earrings below. I also took on of her missing teeth. She has lost three teeth close together. I think it's so cute.
Posted by Mandy at 9:04 AM 1 comments