Before I start I would like to say it is only a couple weeks early with the Christmas theme.
The kids have been doing well in school. They both got all A's and one B on their report cards. This is the first year Coleman has grades for science and social studies and others like that. Although here recently I have been having trouble getting Cole to bring his homework home. He forgets it at school at least once a week anymore. I'm not sure what to do about this. He will remember part of it but not all of it. He has had a lot of homework. Over the last three weeks he has had three book reports due. Sometimes I think their homework is parents homework with all the crazy projects they have to do. They time lines not long ago and I made Cole do his his self( I helped pick out the pictures) because this was his homework he is to learn from it. When I was at the school for his parent teacher conference I noticed Coleman and one other were the only ones done by the kids. What do you guys think about this kind of stuff? I'm just not sure.
Last Thursday was my nephew Zeke's 1st Birthday. I was glad we made it. I went with the kids. They had a good time. I have never seen a 1st Birthday cake destroyed so well. The cakes were made by my sister Brandee. She is so creative. I love seeing pictures of her latest creations. When it was present opening time Zeke wanted to play with the kids and not open but his sister Avril was all about the presents. She is one of those that makes you feel good about your present because she gets so excited. Below is a couple pictures of Zeke with the cake at the beginning and end. There are more pictures on flickr.

Saturday night I went to the kid's school carnival. We all had fun. Every year each classroom makes up a basket of a theme the class picks. This year Coleman's class picked candles and Sarah's class picked snacks. Each kid brings something in for the basket and in the middle of the carnival they stop the games and auction them off to the highest bidder. The money that the basket is sold for goes to that classroom. It really helps the teacher with supplies and new books. During the auction I ran Miranda home she was getting to be a handful. She does that the more tired she gets the less patience I have. Below are a few pictures. The boy in my picture pick is Hunter a little boy that lives in our trailer park. Sarah and him are good friends. His parents weren't going so I brought him with us also. I know I just like punishing myself by adding more kids. After coming back from dropping Miranda off I was talked into running a game. So we didn't get out of there until they were cleaning things up. Coleman loved it things that were 25 prize tickets when we got there were only 5 prize tickets at clean up go home time. The kids made out with all kinds of little goodies.

Sounds like you've been busy. And yeah, it's too dang early for Christmas....LOL! It's like we go from Halloween to Christmas, what happened to Thanksgiving and just plain Autumn? ~sigh~
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